Monday, September 22, 2014

My life is a.. shuffle?

I've been slacking at this whole 'I'll be blogging a couple times a week' thing.. I'm busy I'm sorry!! Between doing nothing and watching Big Brother, my life is a struggle, cha feel? No but seriously, I've just finally come to the realization that I'm a senior and need to start thinking about college and my future blah blah blah.. I'm a little bit behind and I'm getting stressed to say the least lololol. But it's okay because I am a pro at procrastinating so I'm sure it'll all work out in the end :-)
Anyways.. on a separate note, today is Monday (boo) so that means that its music Monday. For today, I am just simply going to put my music that's on my iPhone on shuffle and list the first 10 that come up. Odds are.. I'm just guessing here ahead of time, that 5 of the 10 songs that come up are going to be either Lady Gaga or Lana Del Rey. That's my guess and if I'm right then I expect all of my readers to send me $100. Which means that I will actually be in debt.. Perfect. Here we gooooo:

Shuffle Mode folks-

1. Dollhouse- Priscilla Renea
Okay if I was actually listening to my music on shuffle and this song came on.. it would be one of those songs that I skip for sure. Buuuuut it threw me back to like 7th grade which is fun, but yet kind of scary at the same time because now I have an image of awkward and brace face Cam in my head.

2. The Boys- Nicki Minaj & Cassie
These are all kind of throwback songs so far and I'm kind of sort of liking it. This song is fun because Nicki is just a character and I love listening to her rap words that I don't understand at all.

3. No Hands- Waka Flocka Flame
L O L. Can you say freshman year jam? If you've learned one thing so far.. my shuffle mode is not on fleek right now. You've also learned that I'm not racist.

4. Here's to Never Growing Up- Avril Lavigne
I almost feel like Avril is afraid to be in my shuffle mode right now because of the other contestants.. I also feel like this could be a possible song title that Waka Flocka would sing. (YOLO or nah)

5. Turn Me On- Nicki Minaj
Alright so we are throwing it back about 3 years and I'm liking this one, it's a little on the mainstream and basic side but you can't deny that the music video leaves you like 'da fuq' everytime *inserts meme* Watch this very somewhat disturbing video

6. Dark Paradise- Lana Del Rey
This song title kind of describes your after thoughts after watching that video right? Well, unless the rest of the songs are Lana and/or Gaga then I guess I will have failed at yet another thing in my life. (story of my life)

7. Girls- The 1975
I'm done, literally this is one of the few times it's not Lana or Gaga on my shuffle! But seriously, if you haven't listened to this alternative band, their debut album is wonderful! And then after you listen to that, go ahead over here and watch an artist that is kind of similar to them, very alternative and dark, not a very well known artist yet though here  

8. 3-Way- The Lonely Island ft. Lady Gaga
Hey this song features Gaga so that counts! This song is hilarious and I'm sure that you guys are very confused of what kind of music I listen to, I want to let you know that so am I to be honest. I recommend that you play this song at some kind of family gathering because the lyrics will really touch the hearts of your family (hopefully distant) and friends.

9. Problem- Natalia Kills
This song slays. It kind of just makes you feel like a boss. Everytime I hear this song I just picture myself as Jennifer Aniston and dancing the pole. And if you haven't seen We're the Millers than ylou probably are very confused now and need to drive to the nearest Redbox and rent this movie for your own good.

10. Bad Romance- Lady Gaga
Not gonna lie, this whole shuffle mode fiasco has been worth it with the ending of this song. This song defines the moment when I knew Gaga was my all-time idol, hero, inspiration, you name it. I was bitten and became a monster with this song and will continue to be for the rest of my existence because with the help of her music, I've been able to be more myself than I could ever imagine.

Well I'm gonna stop myself before I get in my feelings and go on and on about the goddess of love Gaga, because you know I could go on forever.. Thanks for reading, whoever you are and wherever you and if you even exist for that matter. I hope you enjoyed the songs I came across possibly more than I did and checked them out, I would love to hear your shuffle mode songs! Comment below my loves. Remember to not only be yourself, but whoever you are, be a good one.

P.S. I'm watching Dancing With the Stars wishing that I had rhythm of any kind.

Aphrodite Lady Seashell Bikini girl says goodnight :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dancing With the Stars is BAACKKK!

So I am watching the premiere of DWTS as we speak and I am so excited omg yay!!
I think the cast this year will be interesting but nothing can beat having DJ Tanner shaking her tail feather last season (talk about a Full House throwback).
But anyways they all look so colorful and happy I love it! Also, can we just talk about how flawless Julianne Hough is, I am super happy that she's a judge this season.
The cast is very different this year and I feel like the stars were picked out of a hat of like irrelevant actors and actresses, I mean Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls? If you were gonna do that then at least put the rest of the cast in too, I would enjoy seeing Tine Fey and Lindsay Lohan ballroom dancing lololol. Anyways, lets go onto the dancers and performances before I turn into Abby Lee.
My reviews for the night-

1. Antonio & Cheryl: I agree with the judges, 6/10, I think they could become much better through more dance performances and possibly a less teen pop song, like that was definitely my favorite song in 6th grade. (Tonight I'm Lovin You by Enrique Iglesias).
2.Lea & Artem: I love that Lea is in the cast becaause she's a great dancer and I love the age diversity in the cast this year. I give this performance an 8/10, it was really beautiful and the song brought me back to the Parent Trap so I'll probably watch that after this is over. Ooo by the way I totally typed my score before the judges revealed there's and we both said 8.. *starts to apply to be a judge on DWTS*
3. Janel & Val: LOVE THEM. I give it a 8/10, it was really fun though. I love how Janel went out and captured the part of Ariana Grande with the high boots and what not. I feel that this couple might possibly be my favorite of the cast.. so far.
4. Lolo and Keo: I did not really like this performance or duo at all.. Lolo knows she messed up at least, but yikes it was not a good start for these two. I give them a 5/10, I see improvement for sure though. Moral of the story: don't text and dance guys.
5.Betsy & Tony: First off, how is this woman 72? Omg I love her personality and energy, she's like a mix of Dolly Parton and like a virgin Madonna, am I right? They better dance to Madonna right after I referenced her,, wow I'm on point tonight. When it comes to the important part of the show which is dancing.. It needs a lot of work for sure to get votes, although I feel they will get votes just because of Betsy's personality ( I would). Overall, I give it a 5/10.
6. Tavis & Sharna: This couple just kind of makes me uncomfortable, not sure about them.They're like so classy and kinda boring to be honest.. idk. Good dance though! 7/10.
7. Sadie & Mark: I've never watched Duck Dynasty before and after seeing those clips I thank God that I haven't. I just can't. Even though I don't like her show, I love Sadie, she's gorgeous and seemed so natural out there. Love these two. I gave it a 9/10!
8. Michael & Emma: I think that these two are really fun and I enjoyed them, I thought the NASCAR theme was kind of hot to be honest. I got my gears grinding (lol at me trying to make a joke). I give it a 7/10.
9. Jonathan & Allison: I love love the jive so if you do it, you most likely get my vote. I thought this was ON POINT. Loved it and they looked so natural. Aaron Samuels put in work tonight. 9/10.
10. Tommy & Peta: Tommy is hilarious and Peta is one of my favorites. I loved this, Tommy better drop it like it's hot.. that nursing home is watching and banging their canes for him, as am I!! So much fun, I give it an 8/10.
11.Randy & Karina: Very elegant and clean dance! Really liked it, I give it an 8/10. The girls on the panel have no chill either.. hitting on all the guys of the competition LOL.
12. Bethany & Derek: They are SO cute! Again, I love the jive and love that they danced to T Swift. I still love to picture Jenna Marbles dancing and doing the landshark, I would give that a 17 out of 10. But as for this real life performance.. I say 8/10.
13. Alfonso & Witney: Wow what a way to end the show! Alfonso and Witney are freshhhh! Loved it and they are my favorite of the night I think. Can't wait for moreeee. 9/10 :)

Great show and it's gonna be a great season. As for tomorrow, I think it's between Betsy & Tony and Lolo & Keo to get off tomorrow. Betsy is a character and reminds me of.. ME. So obviously I don't want me to go home sooo Lolo and Keo might be going bye bye-o.. Ok i'm done with trying to be funny, adios folks. (:

Monday, September 8, 2014

Music Monday (Ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey review)

Welcome to my first Music Monday blog post :) Enjoyyy
 June 16th, 2014 was the day that this masterpiece was released. I do call it a masterpiece because every song is special and true in its own way. Lana Del Rey is one of those artists that you stan and live for, or she is a basic nobody who has one hit remix song that comes on the radio every 4 seconds and also has that one song in that Gatsby movie that is kinda boring. If you're the second one then I would recommend you stop reading now because I will not be reviewing the songs Summertime Sadness or Young & Beautiful because no that's just not okay. So when promotion for Lana's Ultraviolence began I was super siked and ready for new music that she literally could have recorded a song with Maroon 5 (gag me) and I would have praised her just for new music. After many weeks of waiting and teasing, her first single from the album 'West Coast' was released. The sexy and relaxing swing to the song proved to be an amazing first single. Singles that followed include Shades of Cool and Brooklyn Baby (one of my personal faves).

My 5 personal favorites even though they are all amazing:

1. Cruel World- 10/10
I think that this song is the perfect song to open the album with. It's lengthy and haunting and screams the theme of the whole album. This is the perfect song to blast through your headphones if you are having one of those 'I don't know where my life is going, I hate life' days.

2. Ultraviolence- 10/10
Obviously this track is the album title, and this song is perfect in every way. The lyrics are haunting and the melodies are beautiful. You can really hear Lana's sincerity and that she isn't bragging when she sings "I was filled with poison". The video is my favorite of the 3 from this album. Check it out here

3. Brooklyn Baby- 10/10
This song is and I think always will be my favorite song on the album. It's one of those songs that just never gets old and it's a bit more upbeat and (not sad) unlike the others on this album. Pure genius here.

4. Black Beauty- 10/10
This song is one of my favorites because of the fact that it had been unreleased for over a year and I was dying to hear the studio version.  It's a beautiful ballad about always reminding yourself to look at life with the glass half full and not half empty.

5. Money Power Glory- 10/10
This song is different and everytime I listen to it through my Bose headphones I get the chills. Enough said.

Overall, this album is beautiful and I hope that you go listen to it and possibly go buy it on iTunes. I have also discovered that I am terrible at writing album reviews and I probably never will again. Okay, bye. Love you Lana baby.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hi thereee,
So when I got home from school, after I had eaten of course and done my daily after school routine of checking all my social medias, I checked my email because hmu on email idk why not. But anyways, I received an email from my, because I'm obsessed with Gaga and stan for her so obviously I am signed up with that. The email included a project that a little monster created that involves promoting being yourself and not judging others for being who they are. I know what you're thinking, "Shocker, another anti-bullying and be yourself la la la I was born this way" speech from Lady Gaga, but this is different. A fan did this because, to be honest I'm not sure of the gender of the project creator so we will refer to he/she as 'lil Gaga', lil Gaga felt inspired by Gaga to start their own movement about being yourself and spreading love throughout the community. I love Gaga and everything she stands for and believes in and I loved this project idea. I posted a photo of me doing the project on instagram, which by the way has 90 likes currently so you could say I'm a pretty big deal. Here's what you do: Get a piece of paper and write down words/names that you DO NOT like to be called and cross those out and then write #CallMe ____ and put a word/name that you want people to see you or notice you as. Do it. Not only will you get a lot of likes on instagram and feel really cool and go to bed feeling instafamous, but you will also go to bed hopefully loving yourself a little more knowing that there are thousands and millions of other people around the country that have insecurities and get picked on, that all just want to be noticed for themselves just like you do. Spread love not hate friends :) Hope you had a fabulouso Tuesday. Don't forget to be yourself and love yourself no matter what others may perceive you as.

Bye bye,

P.S. here's my #CallMe photo
P.S. #2, I'm laying in bed watching The Last Song and dreaming about equal love in the world

Monday, September 1, 2014

Blog Blog Blog

oh heyyy
I would like to introduce myself, you can call me Cam. I'm starting this blog because I feel that I am somewhat interesting even though I'm probably not but just go with it okay. I'm so bad at introductions and describing who I am so we will just keep it simple and say that I'm a senior in high school that enjoys wasting my sweet time eating food and watching Netflix while still trying to maintain somewhat of a "social" life. I'm awkward and just like to have a good time. I love movies, music, and photography so that is what most of my blog posts will be focused on. Obsessed with the entertainment industry and pop culture, so yes I'm that person that keeps up with the Kardashians and wishes I was a rich kid of Beverly Hills. Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey are my queens and highkey take up about half of my iTunes library and walls in my room. I'm hoping to post a couple times a week, days that I will be posting on include Music Mondays, Throwback Thursday, Film/Movie Fridays, and I'm sure you can expect a basic #selfiesunday from me now and then because it's 2014, who doesn't take selfies and post them every second of the day. 

Until next time kiddos,

(P.S. This is me right now, watching The Bling Ring and eating peanut butter pretzels)